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베트남 법인 설립

( 23-04-2015 - 09:38 PM ) - 전망: 7604


베트남 법인 설립


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다이아몬드 드라곤은 합법적인 부동산와 컨설팅 라이센스를 소지하고 있으며 모든 업무처리는 합법적인 계약서를 통하여 진행합니다.


DIAMOND DRAGON CO., LTD (DDC)는 합법적인 부동산회사이며 베트남정부로 부터 취득한 부동산 라이센스를 소지 하고 있으며 저희 부동산회사는 합법적으로 모든 부동산 중개, 임대, 매매, 거래, 대행, 컨설팅, 투자 자문, 빌딩관리 등 부동산관련 종합서비스를 제공하는 부동산 법인회사입니다.


고객의 신뢰와 만족감을 최우선으로 하며 베트남 부동산 시장에서의 축적된 경험과 정보 네트워크를 바탕으로 최상의 서비스를 제공하고자 합니다.


정확한 시세 분석과 신뢰있는 업무처리로 고객님의 안전한 부동산 거래를 생명으로 삼고 책임중개를 성실히 해 나가겠습니다. 정직, 신뢰, 책임감을 가지고 고객님의 재산보호 및 재산증식을 위해 최선을 다하는 부동산이 되겠습니다.


현재 저희는 다음 과같이 업무를 진행하고 있습니다.





부동산 전문회사

(아파트, 집, 사무실 임대 매매 전문)

(부동산 매매, 대형 투자 자문, 빌딩관리)


완벽한 베트남어 영어 전문 통역


부동산 개발 및 투자 자문


베트남 법인 설립 및 투자 자문


문의사항이 있으시면 저희 회사로 연락해주시면 최선을 다해서 답변을 드리겠습니다.



대표: 제임스 리


Diamond Dragon Co., Ltd – Consulting Contract


    1. Our services

Establishment of a foreign direct investment in Vietnam through two steps:

  • The first stage: Preparation of dossiers applying for the Business License.
  • The second stage: Doing all of administrative procedures after getting Business License.


     2. Responsibilities of DIAMOND DRAGON

  • DIAMOND DRAGON will directly formulate and complete the above-mentioned dossier in ensuring its exactitude, sufficiency and validity. DIAMOND DRAGON will be also responsible for giving explanation to the Administration on all contents related to the dossier applying for investment license.
  • In the course of conducting procedures for establishment of enterprise, DIAMOND DRAGON will provide the Investor with legal advices related to his operation sector in Vietnam.
  • Our service shall be implemented on basis of a contract. There under, your company will delegate power to DIAMOND DRAGON to take any necessary action relating to the establishment of a wholly foreign invested enterprise on behalf of your company in compliance with the Law on foreign investment in Vietnam and DIAMOND DRAGON will accept this delegation of power.


     3. Implementation time

All of works to be done by DIAMOND DRAGON will extend from the date that DIAMOND DRAGON receives all necessary documents transferred by your office:




Working - day

1 – 20


1- 45 working-days

1 – 60


Preparation of dossiers applying in the first stage






Applying your office ’s profile to authorized agency (Department of Trade)






Checking profile and approving FDI license by Authorized agency






Preparation of dossiers applying in the second







4. Works to be done by DIAMOND DRAGON

The first stage: Preparation of dossiers applying for the Investment License


DIAMOND DRAGON will compile directly the dossier applying for Investment License, including:


Application for establishment of a joint –venture/ foreign-owned enterprise


Joint Venture Contract


Charter of the joint venture enterprise/foreign-owned enterprise



Feasibility study: this is an important document based on which the efficiency, the suitability of the investment project with the planning and social interest will be assessed.


The second stage: Administrative procedures after Investment License


DIAMOND DRAGON will compile directly the dossier applying for Investment License, including: [1]


Publication of establishment of enterprise in central or local newspapers in three (03) successive issues.


Registration of head office and employees in the Department of Planning and Investment.


Fulfillment of procedures for registering and making stamp at the provincial Police.


Opening account at a Bank at the Investor’s choice


Fulfillment of procedures for tax code registration; registration of financial and accounting regime and purchase of invoice.


Fulfillment of procedures for notifying the list of foreign employees with the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs.


     5. All necessary documents and information will be supplied by your office

  • 02 photo copies of your passport
  • Information about the company will set up in Vietnam.
  • Confirmation of Bank Report of Individual Investor for Financial Capacity.


      6. Service fee (for the smooth case)

- For the first stage: 2,000USD for setting up in HCMC or around

- For the second stage: 1,000 USD

If the client can not obtain the Legal Business License in Vietnam by next 45 days then Diamond Dragon will reimburse the deposit to the client.


The above fee is excluded taxes, bank service fees and charges provided for by Vietnamese law in relation to the aforesaid legal procedures. (If any)

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